Sunday, February 19, 2006


Holy Smokin' Guano, Batman!

Recently, Mark and I took a trip to visit the Carlsbad Caverns, here in New Mexico.

This was an awesome place to visit, but no one ever mentioned just how smelly it was at the very beginning of the walk! Man!...or should I say Batman! That guano was something else! Of course, after several yards into the cave, you get past the bats bathroom and into the depths of the cave itself.

We did all but one section of the cave tour and it was 2 1/2 miles long! I believe at the end we were about 750 feet under ground, and we were both glad there was an elevator back to the top!

There are various length tours offered, and any of them are going to offer some truly amazing sites. In our opinion, at $6/person, it was more than worth the money.

Until next time, I'll leave you with this picture of me having a great time back at the surface. The buildings in the background are the offices and housing for some of the staff at the Caverns.

Bye for now!

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