Saturday, September 23, 2006


Reptile Garden (of Eden)

There is a place across the street from the Happy Holiday Campground called Reptile Gardens. One day early in our stay, we decided to go over and check the place out. It turned out to be one of the most fun things we've done here.

Reptile Gardens has a HUGE glass dome in one part of the park. Inside this dome is one of the biggest hibiscus trees I've ever seen. It's also home to all kinds of birds and snakes and other kinds of reptiles.

Reptile Gardens is home to the largest crocodile in captivity, which is 15 feet long. Imagine you are walking along and as you round a corner...BAM! there it is! It's name is Maniac, and it's bigger than you can really comprehend without seeing it in person. Just think of it like this...from snout to tail you could fit two six foot tall men...with room to spare! Or consider this, the crocodile is only 10 feet shorter than our entire motorhome! I didn't get any pictures of this crocodile as I was too busy staring in fascination!

I did manage to get some pictures of the young man who wrestles alligators. He seemed so young that my first thought when I saw him was to wonder if his Mom knew what he did for a living. However, he seemed to know what he was doing, and he was very entertaining....probably nuts, but very entertaining.

Even though the alligator wrestling was fun to watch, I think I liked the giant tortioses and the birds at least as well. The area under the dome, was like an indoor mini tropical jungle. And the tortioses, which had their own seperate habitat, seemed so old and wise. It's amazing to think that both the birds and the tortioses have an average life span that is often much longer than our own.

This fellow does not seem to be very amused by all the attention. If looks could kill, huh? I think this was my cue to move along!

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