Monday, September 25, 2006
So This is the Mystery of the Cosmos!
John expressed a desire to visit a tourist attraction nearby called The Mystery of the Cosmos. Since this was high up on our list of "must-do things", we were all excited to be going there. Maybe not giddy, but definitely excited.
For anyone who has ever visited a place like this, you probably have heard of the concept of forced perspective. This occurs when something is built so that you truly feel things are one way, when, in fact, they are exactly the opposite. For example, the rooms were built on a slope, the floors were actually sloped, but the items in the rooms were level. And since you are standing on the side of the hill, everything in the rooms seemed to be off-balance rather than the reality which was YOU were off-balance. (If this made no sense at all to you, perhaps the photographs will make it more clear.)
For anyone who has ever visited a place like this, you probably have heard of the concept of forced perspective. This occurs when something is built so that you truly feel things are one way, when, in fact, they are exactly the opposite. For example, the rooms were built on a slope, the floors were actually sloped, but the items in the rooms were level. And since you are standing on the side of the hill, everything in the rooms seemed to be off-balance rather than the reality which was YOU were off-balance. (If this made no sense at all to you, perhaps the photographs will make it more clear.)