Sunday, October 19, 2008


And Now...On With The Show

Ok, when last we saw our intrepid adventurers, (before all that carpet crap), we had just settled down for a good nights rest in the parking lot of that mecca of all things outdoors, Cabelas, in Mitchell, South Dakota. I dropped a teaser on ya just as I was folding up my tent last time. You wanna know what the other major big-time attraction is in Mitchell?

Yep, just the "Worlds Only Corn Palace"! Every year since 1892, South Dakotans have gathered thousands of bushels of corn, grain, grasses, wild oats, rye, straw and wheat and instead of eating it, they decided to nail it all to the side of a building! What a concept!

So, we do the Corn Palace thing. Inside they not only have more murals, but they also have pictures of the murals that adorned this building since 1921. They also have something far more important...

That's right...a gift shop. After all, the Corn Palace admission was (say it with me) FREE! So it's only right they try to sucker entice the masses into buying a memento of their trip. I'm usually pretty memento-proof. Oh I graze the aisles casting my eyes here and there, usually with a modicum of disapproval, but on this day I was smitten. Smitten, I tell you. There I was, following LeAnna around through the hodge-podge of what-not, when suddenly she turned to me and raised her hand to display the one device that could well be described as the boon to modern corn-on-the-cob eaters everywhere. What am I talking about you ask? Only the Acme Little Giant Corn On The Cob Butter Dispenser.

That's right! This little gem would change the way butter was dispensed in our home forever. Oh, I know we had something similar already. But the "Mach One" model had a little flimsy handle, which you couldn't really use. Also, it would only hold about 2 tablespoons of butter. Hell, I eat more than that on a slice of toast! Well, maybe not, but I definitely need more than that for a couple of ears of corn.

So, with our new purchase in sack, we hit the streets in search of entertainment. Not a bad idea, but no. A bit early, even for us. No, what we had in mind was something a bit more touristy, slightly kitschy even. There was nothing else for it but this.

Right across the street. It was not only full of dolls, but also housed a large collection of miniatures. And we all know how I feel about miniatures. Much to my "chagrin", upon walking into the lobby of the Museum, we found it to be closed. Not just for the day or week, but permanently. Seems that they had a few remnants left to sell in their gift shop.

This disappointment was too much for us to bear. I was completely disenchanted with Mitchell now, and I felt it was my duty to move my family to safety immediately. Besides, my back was killing me, not to mention I wanted to get to Lewis and Clark State Park by lunch time. Yep, that's LeAnna and me on a bike built for two. (If you believe that, I have something to sell you.)

We ate our lunch while watching some anglers fish from the dock. They looked like pro's to me...not. But what do I know from fishing? Afterward we continued on to our overnight destination, Loves Travel Stop #309, located in beautiful downtown Aurora, Nebraska. *sniff sniff*...smell that? That's sarcasm. Aurora is not quite a one horse town. It'll have to work up to that.

Anyway, we had some fun in Aurora, by gum!
And I'll tell ya all about time!


Loved it!! Lynn
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