Saturday, October 18, 2008
Funeral For A Friend
When you're wrong, you're wrong...and I was...mistaken. OK, I know I said I thought I could save our carpet, since it was only drenched with tap water, but NoooOOOooo, that would be too easy. The evening of "The Great Spill", I pulled up half the carpet and took it outside to dry. The next day I noticed it had a hellacious water stain on it. Not only that, it had an odor I can only describe An unclean equine, a fragrant filly, a pungent pinto. I think you get the drift. (See what I did there?)
On top of that, it was evident that 5 years of traffic on 45 sq. ft. of carpet had taken it's toll on the pad. I decided this would be a great time for new carpet. (Yeah, I'm a genius that way!) Visions of a dark tan stain-resistant berber danced in my head. Alas, it was not to be. I was jerked back to reality by the lady in charge, who I lovingly refer to as "She That Must Be Obeyed". Anyway, she's been
It had to happen sometime, I suppose. I bucked up and pulled out the remaining carpet. Together we cut it up into manageable pieces. I sneaked some looks at her from time to time out of the corner of my eye, watching for any sign of a smirk or the victory dance, but saw only an earnest expression. Man, she was gooood. After disposing of the carpet and pad, we situated the fan to blow across the swamp that was once our floor. A few hours later, it looked as though it was going to survive.
During our trip to Man Land, we found
Tune in next time for "I Am Eaten By A Shark".